27 April 2007


I saw another oncologist last week - I don't know how many I've seen so far, it's all starting to add up - who talked me through the radiotherapy element of my treatment. I still don't know when that'll happen - I'm waiting to hear about my 'Planning session'. What I do know is that it'll last five weeks - the consultant diplomatically told me that 'Women with small breasts can get away with three weeks, however in your case...'. Honestly, they're not that big - I felt a bit like Jordan when she said it the way she did. I will also be getting tattoos - four wee dots forming a rectangle and basically locating the area needing treatment - so I won't be needing a mid-life crisis now. I'll be seeing a specialist again to sort out Herceptin and the hormone treatment. Because Herceptin can, in a small number of cases, cause heart damage I'm also waiting to hear about a scan to determine my baseline capacity.

On the good news front my cycle has started again and I'm now getting the best of both worlds - period pain and hot flushes. I was actually happy to see my cycle back only to be reminded that Tamoxifen (the hormone treatment) is very likely to disrupt everything again. Ah well, I'll enjoy it while I can. My 'hair' is still growing and I have to say I'm really looking forward to the day it'll be back to normal - I'm starting to really miss it.

Overall I'm ok. I'm a bit fed up and frustrated as the treatment is taking so long and more or less taking over my life. I think that the years of illness are not helping. I first fell ill in 1993 and have had quite a few problems since then. I had to drop out of uni twice and gradually give up on things. Then I finally got well enough to attend uni, first part-time, then managing to complete my final year full-time. This was supposed to be the first step into employment so the diagnosis of cancer in September was a huge setback. I am annoyed with it now and can get quite angry at times. Still, I know I can't do anything about it and I'm trying to get on with things. I've now started a Wildlife Gardening course and that's already proving to be enjoyable. It's a Distance Learning course and I have up to three years to complete it. I got a bit worried when I saw my first assignment, in which I have to design a wildlife garden - this is something I have never done. Anyway I've decided not to worry about grades - yes, those who know me, you've read it correctly - and I'll be creating quite an extravagant garden. Just cos I can. The course should be a good complement to my Environmental Biology degree and offer more practical solutions in terms of conservation.

I won't waffle on any longer. I gather some are having problems leaving messages - I have no idea how to remedy this, sorry but thank you for trying.

Oh, and I've posted some more photos on my Flickr account.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see youre taking a leaf out of my book (in more ways than one ;)!!) its the learning that counts, not the assessment!! (which Im having trouble spelling :D I blame the swimming pool, inhaled too much clorine!) Id go with buddleias for the wildlife garden :D!! But the teachers prefer if you use a variety of plants, not just one, I thought it was a dramatic statement!! ;) *Hugs* x x x

Anonymous said...

Hi Ann-Marie,

It seems ages since I last wrote. We returned from our holiday yesterday and had a great time. We went down to South Australia and visited parts of the country we had never seen before.

Pleased to hear that you had an enjoyable time in Dorset. Beautiful photo's.

It sounds like you are doing well at the moment. I can understand the frustration, however stay positive, keep battling on and you will beat this thing.

Until next time,



Spank said...

re flickr photo

Possibly Ipheion?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I think it is Ipheion. Looked it up in 'Botanica'