18 June 2007

A third of treatment completed

First of all, congratulations to both Laura and Brad for getting their degree - I'm so pleased for you both and I know that this is the beginning of big and exciting things for you. They'll be graduating this weekend - I look forward to seeing the photos.

Treatment is going as well as could be expected. I am getting tired far more easily but it's not a massive problem yet. The 'good' thing about this daily treatment is that you get to see the same faces every day and you start making 'friends'. I was told several times last week that people who have completed their treatment miss the camaraderie of the waiting room. I guess it makes sense since most people are there for at least six weeks. I was supposed to see my oncologist this morning to get more tattoos - my last eight sessions will be more localised so they need to place marks around my scar(s?) - but she had to leave early. So Friday's radiotherapy will now take place in the morning, and I'll get the tattoos just after the session.

The good news is that my hair almost looks like proper hair now - I'm debating whether to trim it to encourage growth - and at long last my eyelashes are growing back, too. I have actually missed them - not least during cold and windy days which caused the tears to freely flow - and especially with the freak hairs merrily growing as if there were no tomorrow. So that feels good - a sense of normality coming back.

I was quite busy last week and managed to secure two volunteering opportunities. The first is with Pesticide Action Network, which is trying to eliminate the use of toxic pesticides. I first spoke to the Volunteering supervisor, who asked me to send in my CV and a covering letter. I duly obliged and was offered a position straight away. Then I contacted Camley Street Natural Park, which is right next to King's Cross, as they are always looking for trainee wardens. After a relatively long chat, it was agreed that I would start whenever I was ready. Both places were very friendly and very understanding of the situation I'm in so there is no pressure on me. I can't wait to get going.

I've also set up an ethical gardening website (not my idea but I should be contributing) - so far the name has been reserved and that's about it. I look forward to working on that as there is a certain sense of satisfaction in seeing your work published online. I've also started a painting for another friend whose birthday it was recently. It was my first attempt with acrylics and I really enjoyed it - it's very easy to use and the cleaning is quite straightforward if you do it immediately. Another friend has bought me a three-dimensional jigsaw of an old-fashioned globe and holy shamoly is that taking up a lot of my time. It's great fun though - however old that makes me sound.

So all in all I'm fine. I appear to be fighting off a cold but it's not too bad. I hope you have all enjoyed your weekends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.