I've also phoned the British Red Cross to hire a wheelchair. I'd only be entitled to it for three months maximum, but that ought to give me an idea as to how useful they are. I can then decide to hire another one and actually pay for it - the British Red Cross requires a deposit but is free otherwise, though donations are more than welcome. So that's looking good, too.
And since I was on a roll, I also contacted Pesticide Action Network for my volunteering. I have an appointment set up so with a little luck, I'll be up and running doing something for them very soon. Though I'm not 100% sure how ready I am for that. I guess time will tell. And if they are flexible, I'll be able to ease into it without any trouble.
Other than that, I finished my first painting in acrylic. It really is completely different to oil painting so I'm going to have to get used to it. I decided to stick what I've been doing more recently, but I'll be doing a couple of paintings as Christmas presents so I'll be moving back to landscapes for that. I don't mind either way. The only concern is that I can't paint too long because of the pain. Even typing is a problem as my fingers and wrists, and to some extent my arms, start to hurt after a while - one of the reasons it's taking me so long to e-mail people.

Last bit for today. I decided to dye my hair using Henna dye, to cover greys and nourish my hair. So I bought myself some auburn dye and applied it on Saturday. My hair's now ginger and orange - it would appear that my hair's too fine and/or too light. But it has given it volume and it feels a lot better - it's not far from its first proper outing. I've not been out without a headscarf since October, it's quite exciting.
Be good.
I would describe the painting as a square within a square. The inside square goes from dark to light orange from left to right and the outside goes from light to dark, from left to right, thus contrasting with each other except for the middle where there is only a very slight difference. Can anyone do any better?
Hi there! Did you do your hair to tie in with the painting or what? Thanks for the description. Yes I was forgetting about the Red Cross. I borrowed a wheelchair from them once when I broke my ankle and I'm sure you remember that! Glad you're getting the other business sorted out too. I'm sure you must be entitled to all of it and if they say you're not, you'd better complain long and loud and appeal against it. Good win for us on Saturday? I know it wasn't a free kick but we must have learned that from AC Milan! Poor Carra! How could he have got out of the way of that ball? When the OG went in, we all stood up and yelled and the dog stood up and wagged his tail. And Wayne thinks he's a Gooner? Hope we do the business tomorrow against Toulous. Bless Reading, Fulham should have kept their nerve and Birmingham too. God bless. Lots of love, Hazel
Hi anne-Marie,
I agree with Elizabeth's description. Absolutely love the painting. You should auction it "on-line"!!!!!
Lovely to receive your e-mail. Will respond in due course.
keep up the good work on your road to recovery.
love and best wishes,
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