28 September 2007

Nintendo Wii

First of all, I need to have a rant so if you want to avoid this, skip to the next paragraph. I joined Facebook - I know, I know - as I was curious about the phenomenon. Straight away, a friend from uni got in touch so I've kept my account. I thought I'd do a bit of research and checked groups for breast cancer. Top of the list was the group 'Abortion causes breast cancer'. I was incensed. Irrespective of what you think of abortion, this group is at best dishonest - I won't tell you what I really think of it. The fact is that most women with breast cancer have not had an abortion, and most women who have an abortion will not develop breast cancer. Recent meta-analyses have shown that the risk is negligible or non-existent. At the most abortions could be a risk factor, but the link, to put it mildly, is no more than tenuous. The good thing is that it has woken me from my torpor - nothing like winding me up to get me going.

On a better note, I have given in and got myself a Nintendo Wii. It's good fun and it's actually going to get me to exercise a bit - relatively speaking of course. I started playing tennis straight away but could hardly use my right arm after that - my 'biceps' were so painful, I had problems brushing my teeth. This is bad enough without mentioning the knees and right hip. Mind you, I thought I was out of shape then came across something in a newspaper about levels of fitness in the UK - apparently more than 50% of people are unable to cycle for 20 minutes, 68% cannot do 20 sit-ups and 42% are unable to climb three flights of stairs without becoming breathless. This makes me positively average. Anyway, a few days on and I'm still aching so I'm going to have to be careful.

Other than that, I'm trying to find a rhythm again. My next treatment is on 8 October and I need to seriously think about getting involved in something as the treatment's not affecting me. I'm thinking of taking up a language, but something different - Mandarin or a Cyrillic language (as I am partly of Lithuanian descent). At a later date I'd like to do something a bit more demanding but I need to be fit enough. I'd like to have guitar lessons and do something woodwork related. In the meantime I'm working on my Wildlife Gardening course and trying to organise starting my volunteering at the Pesticide Action Network.

Stephanie, thank you VERY MUCH for the photos - they're great. It's so different to what I know. Michael, hope you've recovered from Wednesday. And Hazel, here's hoping we perform a lot better tomorrow and get the three points.

Be good.


Anonymous said...

I'm trying not to think about Wednesday night thank you very much. Whupped by a second-string team of whippersnappers - the shame. And Owen out. Again. Shola looking dodgy (same old story). And Viduka possibly crocked. Which leaves Martins and Smith for Saturday against City. Hmm.

As for extreme groups with extreme ideas - best to just ignore them, I think. Apart from that bloke in America with rabidly homophobic, anti-semetic and just about everything else tendencies - Fred Phelps. Now he just needs shot. Along with the rest of his dribbling, intolerant family.

Sorry, that was possibly a tad strong for a Friday afternoon. I can tolerate pretty much anything, except intolerance, religious extremism and ignorance...

Have a good Wii - kend... groan. I'll get me coat :o)


Anne-Marie said...

Oh, I'm glad you mentioned Phelps - I'd recorded Louis Theroux's programme ages ago and never got round to it. I watched it last night - some people don't realise they have no ground to take the moral high ground. They're all deranged really.

I'm not going to mention the footie.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for not mentioning the footie. I was going to go to the pub to watch it then decided there was too much to be done to justify going - I'm glad i didn't now...

Stil, early days and all that.