29 October 2007

Herceptin #3 and conspiring hair

I'm off for my third Herceptin session this morning. I've got an early-ish appointment and I'm hoping I'll be seen more or less on time as it should mean being done before the poor souls around me start getting the nasty drugs. It's kinder on my nerves this way. I'm not holding my breath though. I'll probably be boring you with how Herceptin works soon, it's quite interesting if you're into such things.

These past few days have been quiet again. Going out made me very tired, and my sleep has been interrupted by some ulcer-type pain, which is not unusual for me. This has resulted in me being a bit of a zombie for the past few days. Still, I managed to go shopping on Friday - Oxford Street no less - as my weight isn't budging much and I've not clothes that fit. I managed to get a few items but I can't say it was enjoyable. My weight and body shape are starting to stress me now so having to try on a number of trousers was slightly depressing. Anyway, to cheer myself up, I decided to dye my hair. So far, whatever I've used has resulted in me getting orange hair - auburn and copper both led to orange/ginger hair, and golden blonde to light orange. Since I wanted orange hair again, I opted for auburn. And yes, you've guessed it, my hair's now auburn. I suspect this is good news as it should mean my hair's thickening.

Oh, I've finally updated Bradley and Laura's website - you can check the wedding photos and profiles if you don't believe me. Oh and good luck to those starting new jobs - I'll be thinking of you.

I'd better be off. Be good and enjoy your day/evening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hiya Sis, hope you're doing OK and that you are still not having any side effects... and also that the hair is OK!!!! Count yourself lucky, I ended up with green hair a couple of times, it could be worse.... LOL from all of us xxx