I had an appointment with my oncologist this week and it went very well. My mammogram came back clear so I can try to relax about that abnormal tissue in my other breast. I'm getting my next dose of Herceptin on Monday - my birthday, now can you think of a better way to spend it than on the chemo unit? - and I should be getting a heart scan in the next few weeks. The oncologist doesn't believe I'm at risk of heart damage but obviously they need to be sure. They stop Herceptin if your heart function decreases by 10% or more. The good news is that the damage is mainly reversible, so whatever happens, I'll be fine.
I'm adding a few photos. The first is of the smoke I could see when the fire broke in one of the Olympics' site. It doesn't do the scale of it justice - it was impressive. Thankfully the winds were blowing that horrid smoke away from us.

As you know, I have bird food placed on the tree in front of my room. I've seen a few species feed on it - mainly blue and great tits and starlings - but I had a surprise visitor this week which was clearly hungry. I didn't expect to see a grey squirrel on an urban street but there you go.

Another shot of the obviously starving thief.

And him sitting there looking at me, crumbs all around his little mouth.

I don't think he's come back again but I'm keeping an eye on it. Not that he responded when I tried to shoo him off.
I hope you're all well. I know I owe people emails and I will do my best to get some written very soon but special messages required.
First, to Isabelle and Yann, who are expecting their first baby. I'm so happy for you - felicitations! J'espere que tout se passe, et se passera, pour le mieux, et je suis impatiente de voir la nouvelle addition (quadrilingue!) faire son entree.
Last but not least, to Justin: Happy 6th Birthday! I hope you have a great time today and get lots of presents and cake. Hopefully I'll talk to you later.
Good luck with the job. And Happy Birthday for Monday.
Boooo to grey squirrels though.
Hi there! How'd the job go then? Well I hope. It must feel good to be a working woman again. Excellent news on your health. Not surprised the squirrel didn't respond to you - they fear no-one do they? Take good care. Lots of love, Hazel XX
Oh what am I like? Meant to wish you a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY for tomorrow. Enjoy! Hazel X
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Tanoui, happy birthday to you.... guess who!!!!!!
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