30 November 2007


There isn't much to report, which isn't a bad thing I guess. 'Work' is going well, I'm enjoying going there every week even if the task isn't exactly fulfilling. There are plenty of opportunities to do some more hands-on volunteering there and I'm looking into doing a couple of things. The only problem is my body as I'm not quite sure how much physical work it can take, but they're fairly flexible. I'd be quite interested in volunteering in their wildlife garden as it would nicely complement the Wildlife Gardening course I'm taking. There's also a water vole project which I'm hoping to get involved in.

One of the reasons I'm quite keen to do more with them is that they've offered me the opportunity to go on a training course on MapInfo, which is a GIS software quite widely used. They're not paying for the whole of the course but they are contributing towards the costs. It'd be a bit silly of me to miss out on it since a Masters in GIS is still on the cards. I'm very, very grateful for this opportunity.

Other than that, the knitting's going well. I'm a tad obsessive at times so I'm spending hours doing it instead of getting in touch with people or studying. Hopefully that will wear off. Especially as I've registered for an Open University course - a research course on geohazards. I'm looking forward to it, and I'm hoping it'll come in handy at some point. I'm thinking of writing my project on floods if possible.

Things are looking good in other words. I hope they are for you too.

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