16 March 2007

Getting there, slowly

First of all, thanks all for your messages - still very much appreciated.

Well here I am, slowly recovering from the operation. It wasn't too bad but I did struggle when coming to - I guess I'm just one of these people for whom general anesthetics is a bit of a nightmare. This wasn't helped by the fact that I emerged at 6pm and the recovery unit closes at 7pm. I was feeling rough - nauseaous, dizzy, groggy - and they were literally trying to push me out of the unit. This has left me quite angry because I got there at 7.45am, as requested, but had to wait until about 3pm for the operation (they actually changed the order of the operation list: I was initially supposed to go first but someone decided to put me last. It was only when a nurse got a bit annoyed with this that the order changed again and I was second on the list). They made me wait for a while in the recovery room before the operation so I was able to see what happens there - people in various states come and sit there, and either sleep, drink, eat or watch TV depending on their state. They get a blanket and people taking care of them. They only leave when they are well enough, and this can take a few hours. I was asked to get out of bed and dressed within 30 minutes because I couldn't stay there. At the same time I was being told that there were no beds available so I'd be better off trying to get home. I really wasn't happy about this. A bed was finally found - I was able to recover and then make my way home. I will have a word with the consultant on Tuesday, when I get my results back, and I might make a formal complaint about this. No one was nasty or anything but I really don't think the treatment I received was good enough. Still, I'm home, I'm ok if a little tired and dizzy at times. The scars are not too painful and I'm able to eat and sleep reasonably well - so all in all things could be a lot worse.

I can't do much at the moment but I'm about to go and sit outside for a bit as the weather's quite nice. Then I'll start tackling my emails - and this time I mean it. There's quite a long list so I doubt I'll be able to email everyone today but I'll do my best to get them sent in the next few days. Hope you're all well and looking forward to a good weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Anne-Marie,

This is the second time I've tried to write this. Somehow I managed to click the wrong button and the script disappeared.

Glad to hear that the 'op' is over and done with. Shortage of beds and staff seem to be a world wide problem.

You will see the consultant today so our best wishes for a good outcome.

It was nice to hear that you are able to sit outside now that the weather is improving and a little warmer. It's still very hot here with high humidity due to the rain fall we had at the weekend. The rain was most welcome of course.

Take good care of yourself.

lots of love,
