24 May 2007

Planning session

I had my planning session on Monday and that was fairly straightforward. Except that I didn't get to see my oncologist as she was stuck on the tube. So I actually don't know what the result of my echocardiogram was, but I suspect that had anything abnormal shown up, I would've been told.

I now have my tattoos - three dots: two on my sides and one in the middle of my chest - and I got my appointment list for the radiotherapy sessions themselves. I'll be starting on Monday 4 June and finishing on Friday 6 July. Unfortunately, all my appointments, bar one, are in the afternoon, which wouldn't have been my first choice. It's not a huge problem though - it just means that I won't be able to settle for hours of uninterrupted tennis. I think I'll survive somehow.

There has been a lot of interesting cancer-related news recently. Among them, a drug for breast cancer which is supposed to be particularly effective in young women with oestrogen-positive receptor types of cancer. That drug hasn't been offered to me so I'll have to have a word when I do get to see an oncologist. Mind you, it's another intra-veinous drug which is administered monthly for two years - it would mean putting my move to Cornwall even further back. Or I could come up to London every month for the treatment. Since the drug's not on the cards anyway, I'll just wait and see.

I've more or less completed Laura and Bradley's website if anyone fancies having a look. I built it from scratch so there's always the possibility that something isn't quite right - please let me know if you encounter a problem. The content's still light so keep an eye for updates (if you're interested that is).

As for the Champions League final, the team which scored the most goals won - I think there isn't much to add to this.

Be good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Anne-Marie,

So, how are you going? I see that you will be starting your first radiotherapy session on Monday. All the best.

Laura and Bradley's website is good. Great way of keeping up to date.

We are into winter here. For the past 3 nights it has been 0 to 1 degree. Great weather for gardening. John took three trailer loads of green to the tip which in turn is made into compost. With our garden it is a question of doing a hard prune once a year. We have all natives. English type flowers don't stand a chance here due to the extreme weather. I should send you a couple of photo's of our jungle. Could you please send me your e-mail address?

All is well at this end. Just too busy. Keeps us out of mischief.

Lots of love to you and the family. Will be thinking of you on Monday.
