07 October 2007

Bugs and all

I'm due in hospital for my second lot of Herceptin tomorrow. Since there are no side-effects with it, I'm not dreading it as such. I've ranted often enough so you'll know I don't like the place, but all in all, it's not too bad. The biggest problem could be the nurse trying to find a vein that will co-operate. One attempt was particularly painful last time as she had to go for the hand. Apparently, the collapsing and blowing veins are a result of chemotherapy, and they should recover with time. Fingers crossed.

I've been feeling very, very tired. This is possibly the worst fatigue I've experienced, and I've only just realised that I need to give myself a break and not insist that I get up and do things. I've also had a bug of some sort - I've had a headache for several days now, though it's better than it was. The hot flushes appear to have made a comeback and I can't say I'm pleased about it. Apparently there is some medication to control them if it gets too bad. At the moment I'm not sure what's going on - I suspect my hormone levels are all over the place. But I'm not ruling out trying to control these hot flushes.

I realise that I must come across as a miserable old bat at times. I'm not, really. I'd like things to be different but I know that time will come. I've lost a little weight, which is great. I'm starting to know how to manage my hair, which is growing - to quote Justin - 'curvy'. My Mum reckons that there's a definite kink (is that the right word?) to it, and I have to admit it pretty much does what it wants, however hard I try to keep it straight. What I'm trying to say is that my body's apparently getting back to normal, and that feels great.

Hope you've all had good weekends.


Anonymous said...

Good luck for today Sis, hope it all goes well and that your veins cooperate..... love from us all.

Anne-Marie said...

Thank you. There was a two-hour wait today due to the fact that the pharmacy only had one person working, and she is new to the job... Lots of people coughing and sneezing in the waiting room.

Hope you're all well, I will call you soon xox

Anonymous said...

Hi Anne-Marie. Hope it wasn't too bad last week. We're off to Somerset tomorrow for four days - got to be back for the Derby - couldn't miss that! We're going to a hotel which has a wild life park attached to it so I'm looking forward to going there again, as I did the last time we stayed. Let's hope the break has done our Beloved Team some good. Take care. Love, Hazel XX

Anonymous said...

Hi Anne-Marie,

My goodness, it's awhile since I last wrote. Do hope all is well and the fatigue is not as bad. It can be sapping.

Well, England lost the rugbey to South Africa. The Australians don't feel so bad now.

Still haven't booked my trip for next year, however I intend coming to England first about mid July.

It's very hot, dusty and windy here and it's not even summer by any stretch of the imagination.

Stay well.



Anonymous said...

Hi Anne-Marie,

My goodness, it's awhile since I last wrote. Do hope all is well and the fatigue is not as bad. It can be sapping.

Well, England lost the rugbey to South Africa. The Australians don't feel so bad now.

Still haven't booked my trip for next year, however I intend coming to England first about mid July.

It's very hot, dusty and windy here and it's not even summer by any stretch of the imagination.

Stay well.

