17 November 2006

Wisdom teeth, colds and other matters

After enjoying last weekend I can't say this week's been too good. I've got a wisdom tooth coming through, which is not thankfully as painful as it was at one point. Then I got a cold and although it's not a nasty one it's keeping me awake at night. And I finally had to go to the doctor's because of horrendous heartburn, which turns out to be caused by the chemo. So all in all I've had better times. But on the good side I've managed to get birthday cards and pressies on time - somewhat of a first for those who know me. Anyway I'm aware that I still owe emails and they are on their way - it's a promise.

I had my appointment with an oncologist on Wednesday with not much to report. He did (roughly) measure the lump and again suggested a reduction in size but we won't know for sure until the MRI scan, which will take place on 29 November. I have started to put on weight. I suspect this was to be expected as I'm eating reasonably well but not exactly moving much. I'm not exactly making an effort to prevent this as the next lot of chemo drugs will require steroids as 25% of people suffer from anaphylactic shock when taking them, and steroids usually cause substantial weight gain. I suspect it's retribution for calling the lump Vicky Pollard - I'm slowly starting to look like Matt Lucas.

Enjoy your weekends and behave.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

there was some delay yesterday as Anne-Marie's blood count was low so they had to do it again, but all was well and they did the chemo. That's the last session with these drugs, so the rest should be easier. Anne-Marie doing okay, she will be online in a couple of days once she starts to feel better.