25 September 2006

New week, one week on

Well as much as I'd like to say that all is well, it hasn't quite turned out that way. I'm still feeling quite sick and the only way to really control this is to remain in bed and not move too much. I am, of course, having the time of my life. I ended up getting in a bit of a bad mood yesterday, which doesn't actually happen that much these days (unless I have PMS but that's a different matter altogether). Lack of sleep, constant nausea and sheer boredom all got to me in the end. I rested for a bit and felt better for it. I took some homeopathic remedy and that seemed to help.

I got Mum to cut my hair on Saturday. For some reason the thought of losing long hair disturbed me so I thought I'd better get it short again. I asked her to just do it roughly, as I was feeling queasy, and she duly obliged. With the result that I can't wait for my hair to fall out now as it's got a mind of its own and no matter what I do to it I look like Hugh Grant in Four Weddings and a Funeral. I rest my case.

Mum's now gone away on a retreat in Northern Ireland, which will hopefully do her a world of good. Cottage and surroundings are beautiful and peaceful, I am told, let's hope she can make the most of it all. Finn is now staying over and taking very good care of me. She was delighted to see that I have a bell by my bed, should I require anything. She went out on Saturday and Sunday to get me some more anti-sickness tablets, the homeopathic remedy, some liver and digestion support, and some probiotics. As well as some chips from the Chinese shop, because that's what I fancied. I could get used to this though she might turn into a wreck quite rapidly. She's been saved by work today. However, Laura and Brad are here so I'm keeping them on their toes. For the first time in my life I can see the appeal of being a mother and getting the kids to do all the menial tasks. More seriously, I am very grateful to all of you. I know I couldn't cope without you.

I know I still owe emails but this might have to wait a wee bit longer. I hope you all enjoyed your weekend - Michael will have, Newcastle managed a draw - and that you are all well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I THOUGHT HUGH GRANT WAS CUTE BACK THEN AND JUST SO YOU KNOW IVE PAID TO HAVE MY HAIR DONE LIKE HIM. MY DAUGHTER SAYS ITS FUNKY AND I MAKE A TRENDY MUM WHICH IS AN HONOUR COMING FROM LEAH,SO MUCH SO SHE WANTED TO PARADE ME PAST HER MATES ON THE NETBALL TEAM LAST WEEK .{iDECLINED}! Hope the nausia is improving and your slaves are coping well.Leah had to look after me on sunday as i was ill with a self inflicted sickness, whoops!How bad is that?
take care xx