20 September 2006

Not impressed - but worst over (hopefully)

Well, I'm starting to feel better - and not one moment too soon. The nausea really started subsiding this afternoon but I'm feeling exhausted through lack of sleep. Still, I decided I was going to fight wretched Vicky with my head held up high and this I am doing - mainly because looking down does make me feel slightly queasy.

Another problem is loss of appetite - I've lost 1 kg. I'm simply not hungry, even when the nausea's not at its worst. Still, whereas I only had two slices of bread and six breadsticks yesterday I've managed to have some grapes and watermelon today. With no repercussions as far as I can tell. I'm also struggling with drinking water, which isn't good news as I need to flush the toxins out of my body and avoid a bladder infection. This said, my craving for grapes and watermelon, albeit minute, proves that your body knows what it needs - they are diuretics and have anti-cancer compounds. Generally the thought of food makes me feel quick ill but there are a few things I fancy and I'll be introducing these as soon as possible.

The good news is that I'll only be getting four cycles of the drugs that were given to me on Monday - next dates are 6 October, 27 October and 17 November (which of course means I'll be having a great birthday but good timing, Michael, as I should be fine when you're in London). This will of course depend on whether my treatments are regular. Another side effect of chemotherapy is that it reduces blood count, making you more susceptible to infections. If my blood count is too low they might choose to postpone the treatment for a bit. Once I move on to the other drug sickness is far less likely to be a problem, which is fine by me. There will be plenty of other side effects but hopefully it won't completely ruin my diet.

Mum is doing a great job of taking care of me. She's up and down the stairs to check whether I have everything I need, and happily pops out to the shops if I need things. And she's bought me a great hat today - my first hair loss hat. A big thank you to you, Mum.

Thanks for all the messages again. I'm too tired right now to reply to everything but I'll try and do that tomorrow. They are all appreciated.


Anonymous said...

Hi Anne-Marie,keep holding your head up high your doing great!Glad the sickness is passing and hope your appetite comes back soon.Leah has asked me to give you her love so im doing that now
Take care and get plenty of rest

Anonymous said...

Hey Anne-Marie
Weiter so, Konzentration auf das Moegliche und eher Positive! Denke an Dich und wuensche mir, dass bei Dir die beruehmt-beruechtigten Nebenwirkungen so duerftig wie nur irgend moeglich auftreten. Tja, und die Weisheit des Koerpers ist halt einfach unschlagbar: er laesst Dich wissen, was Du brauchst - auf dass Dein Appetit wieder ein wenig besser wird!
A lieba Gruess

Anne-Marie said...

Hello Lynne and family, nice to bump into you on here. Aw, thank you Leah, sending my love to you too, I hope you're all well and enjoyed a fab weekend.

Ah, Anja, perhaps you could explain to me how something that makes you so ill - i.e. the chemotherapy - is supposed to be good for you ;) Do you know anything about the drugs? I'd be quite interested in learning how they work. Hope you're well.

Michael, I gather Mum emailed you. I'm sure we'll managed to sort something out - it might mean me dropping out out a marathon or something. Look forward to having a proper chat.

Fiona, I got the CD, thanks. I'm about to copy it onto my MP3 player and give it a go - everything's worth a try right now. I hope you're ok and Justin's not too tired - do he and Patrick still go for nice walks?
